dijous, 13 de maig del 2010

dimecres, 12 de maig del 2010
My English COMPETENCE in 2010
My English progress form 2008-2010
dimarts, 11 de maig del 2010
In barraques I always find my friends and classmates, and we can go out togheter to enjoy the time. During barraques you can also listen to groups of music whose don't make concerts near here. This year I went to barraques on friday and saturday. On friday there wasn't so much people, but I had a lot of fun with my firends and I got on some atractions. Some teachers and some of my classmates advised me about not to going out during last weeks because we had lots of exams and we had to study, but in my opinion if you don't drink so much, it's not bad to enjoy the time and to disconect from the studies.
Finally I would like to say that I hope that this was my last year in barraques without driving license so the next year I'll be able to go there driving.
Take care ;)
dilluns, 10 de maig del 2010
Plant and animal extinctions 'on increase' says UN
Boss Carlo Ancelotti plans to establish Chelsea as the leading force in English football after winning the Premier League in his first season
In my opinion nowadays Chealse has a vey good team with exellent players, so it's not difficult to anticipate that this team is going to do nice things. Anyway, I confide in Barcelona, who also have a very complete team and their football is maybe the best. So I like Chealse but I don't think that this team will be able to win Barcelona.

divendres, 7 de maig del 2010
Close to the end

dimarts, 27 d’abril del 2010
To descrive a place you need lots of adjectives and comparations. Nouns are also very important in the description, and the best way to improve your descriptions is to imagine that you are in the place you are descriving, and to think about how do you feel or what you can see there.
Important adjetives you can use to descrive places: attractive, interesting, peaceful, fun, clean...
It's also important to use some feelings to explain the emotions that this place produces to you.
The distribution of the information is easy: in the paragraph 1 you should explain the situation of the place and to express your opinion about it; in the paragraph 2, the intention is to descrive the place in a general way using some adjectives; in the paragraph 3 you must descrive the details of the place; and it the paragraph 4 you have to make a conclusion explaining which is the best thing of the place.
To explain the life of one person it's important to start from the birth, continue with the most important things he has done during live and to finish with his death or his present if he is still alive. It could be interesting to make a biography of someone you know well.
There must be some adjectives as famous, popular or intelligent in a biography., and it should include some of the conectors you can use : at first, firstly, secondly, after, then, finally, in the end...
The structure is simple: in the paragraph 1 you should talk about the birth ( the place where it was, when it was...) and about why may we have heard about him. In the paragraph 2 it's important to tell the most important things and actions that he has done during life, to talk about his health, family... Finally, in the last paragraph you have to make a conclusion explaining the end of the life of the person and why is he famous.
dilluns, 19 d’abril del 2010
First new: Volcanic ash cloud forces postponement of Japan MotoGP
In my opinion the decision of the manager of the airlines to decide to cancell the main part of the flights in Europe only for this cloud maybe is too exorbitant. I mean some airline companies decided to do some testing flights to evaluate the conditions of the atmosphere because of the cloud, and they said that it wasn't dangerous to fly. But I also have to say that it's a very big responsibility to make this decision because the lives of lots of people depend on you. I guess that the posture of the manager is responsible and far-sighted.

divendres, 9 d’abril del 2010
Dear mum and dad,
since I arrived here I've realized what life is like here, I mean it's different from Spain. Here water is very scarce and there isn't enough food for everybody. Cameroon is one of the poorest countries in Africa, and when I left Spain I knew it, but now I feel surprised anyway.
You don't need to worry because I'm eating good and I am healthy. I uderstand it sounds strange, but the organization where I'm helping feed us very well. Some time ago I thought that it would be difficult to find out any house to sleep, but people here are so polite and they share with you all they can.
Well mum, I've writen to you only to tell you I'm feeling well and that I'm enjoying this experience in the way I can. I'm learning lots of things about survival. I hope you are fine there and I think I'll be able to visit you this summer.
Your loving son,
dilluns, 5 d’abril del 2010
Easter holidays

dimecres, 17 de març del 2010
My trip to London
dilluns, 1 de març del 2010
Second new
My opinion about this topic is very positive. I mean, it's very important for chemicals and for all of us to know which is the procedence of the universe. The task that it's doing this investigation center it's going to help us knowing more about matter and researching about new particles which chemicals has expected to find.
It's a good notice that the LHC works again because lots of countries have spent lots of money in this project and I wish that they weren't wasting it.

First new
Fernando Alonso test run puts Michael Schumacher and Jenson Button in shade
In the first test of the season Alonso got the first position of the classification times and he is only trying to fell confortable with his new car. So I guess that this will be a great season for Alonso and for Ferrari, and since he starts to know his car he is going to fly.

diumenge, 28 de febrer del 2010
FC Barcelona 2 - CF Málaga 1
Barcelona won 2-1 but it wasn't a very good match. In the first time the team played so good and they had some opportunities to score, but they couldn't. The team played very well and the feelings were so good. But the second half was a little bit different. The control of the match was not all for Barcelona and Málaga started to attack. The final result was 2-1 for Barcelona, but the team didn't recover his level at all.
Maybe this is a complicated part of the season and it's not possible to have a excellent level during two years. But I have trust in this team and I'm sure that they will recover their level. The good notice is that Barcelona won, because it's very important that the team continues winning or the Real Madrid, which is very strong at this moment, will catch the first place of the league.
dilluns, 11 de gener del 2010
Angola 'arrests' after Togo football team attack

divendres, 8 de gener del 2010
3 New Resolutions for the New Year