When I started the primary school I only wanted to make friends and to enjoy my time learning some useful things. After that, I started the ESO which was a little bit different. I mean, during the ESO I started to study and to make homework in a soft way. Some subjects were new for me but it wasn't so difficult to pass the ESO.
But then the Batxillerat arrived. Everybody, including my sister, who was studying at the university, advised me that Batxillerat would be a very high step of my life and they said that during Batxillerat you can't go out with your friends as well as you want and that I should spend lots of time studying. It made that when I started the first course I was feeling so frightened because I couldn't imagine how difficult was it going to be.
Now I'm finishing the second course and I can say that what my sister and her friends told to me was not absolutely right. It's true that Batxillerat is difficult from ESO and that you have to work harder, but in my case it has not been the stressful time they advised to me. My marks could be better if I had decided to enjoy some more time studying, but I feel satisfied. The next week will be for sure the worst in my student life. I have 6 exams and 5 of them are very long and difficult. But I cannot stop thinking that after this week this course will be finished. Even the selectivitat is in June, I'll feel very happy because the next three months I won't have to think about maths, chemistry and history. This last course I've enjoyed lots of experiences with my friends and I have gone out more than during the rest of my life, so I think that this is impossible to repeat.
The next step which is waiting for me is the University. I'm not sure about if it will be good for me to have liberty, but what I know for sure is that this next four or five years will be very exciting and I will make plenty of friends.

2 comentaris:
Whatever men?? How impressive is your mind! You will pass all the studies that you could propose, you have a witty mind so the low marks you have had last term were only a lapsus in a moment perhaps because you wasted some time helping and solving your friends problems ;)so I prefer to not know what would have happened, If you hadn't helped me so hard. Last moments I was thinking about all of us...! What a year maybe the best in a loooong time. See youu on monday, my frieeend ;))) Frk
nil, you don't agree with you sister because the fact is that you never get stressed (I don't know how you guys do it!). I'm sure it has been a great years all together and i'm afraid about our friendship in the following years...:(:(
take care!
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