dimecres, 12 de maig del 2010

My English progress form 2008-2010

If I compare the email that I sent to my teacher the last year and the discussion essay about minority languages I can see lots of differences which shows my developement. In the email I didn't use so much vocabulary and the estructure of my writtings was not so good. The discussion essay I did the last day in class is a bit different. The estructure has improved so much, I've learnt some new ways to start the compositions but the vocabulary it seems that hasn't improved. I don't undersant what do you mean with the linguistic arguments, but I only can say that I'm conscious that my english is not excellent, but I think that when I go out of Spain I can understand the rest of people without any problems and they can do the same as me.
I think that my oral presentations hasn't changed so much, I'm not so fluent talking and my pronunciation is, well maybe the best adjective is "català". I cannot stop feeling a bit nervous when I do a presentation. The structure and the content are so well, but the pronunciation and the fluency could be so much better. Maybe in my final presentation I felt better and I was more fluent because I was in London and there it was different, but the presentations are not my best.