Well, I feel better now when the responsible of the attack are going to be arrested. Personally I think that is very sad to see how a football championship, which should be a very special celebration where people could have fun watching their national teams playing football, becomes a victim of a terrorist attack. I mean, sometimes people don't act in a respectful way and this is a clear example. Africa is a developing continent and there are sectors of people which only acts thinking in their interests and I think that this is their biggest problem. Because of this attack the National team of Togo isn't going to play in the African cup, which started the last Sunday and I think that this will only damages the image of the football.

2 comentaris:
Hi Nil,
I didn't hear about that! I totally agree with you, cause football is the most popular sport in the world and it seems people respect it. But I would say these terrorists acted consciously, knowing that there will be a lot of people in the celebration, even if it's about football or something else.. I mean, they wanted to stand out, and where better than in a football celebration with a big quatity of pople?
see you on Wednesdaay! Study some philosophy! =)
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