dimarts, 17 de novembre del 2009

Discussion of one Human Right

"Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person."

Human rights are some kind of moral codes which have been published to get that everyone be respected by the others and to avoid that anybody is treated bad. They were created in 1948. They were crated after the Second World War because during the war died a lot of people and they were treated as they weren't people. The United Nations wanted to finish with this kind of violence to people. There are a total of thirty human rights. I wasn't familiar with the one which says that everybody has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. I think that in Catalonia this right is mainly respected in one way because there are a police to preserve the security of people, and everyone is free to do what he wants if it doesn't disturb the others. In other way, when a woman is pregnancy, it's legal that she aborts the baby so we're killing lives. But it seems that in general this right is respected as it can. Lots of studies show that human rights are not important for some presidents and it makes that they don't respect them. In this map you can see that in the green parts, the freedom is respected, in the orange parts freedom is partly respected and in red parts doesn't exist freedom.

In the past it wasn't respect because some decades ago, the Human Rights didn't exist and wars and conflicts treated people very bad. After the Second World War the main nations of the world considered necessary to declarate official the Human Rights. I think that in some countries of the third world this right isn't respected and lots of people is dying every day because their governments don't give them food and water so it reflects that there are some places where this right isn't respected.