dimarts, 9 de desembre del 2008

Formal letter

38 c/ Figueres

Castello d'Empúries


9th December 2008

IES Castelló d'Empúries

c/ Rentador 9

Castelló d'Empúries


Dear Ms. Pintó,

I'm writing because I would like to talk you about the school. I think that is a nice school and I'm sure that here you can have a very good studding level, but I do not like some things. The building is so simple and the windows are barred, it's like a prison. Every student should have one computer. The school should has a better temperature control, because during the winter the classes are cold and during the summer very hot. There could be more trips because some years the students only have 2 or 3 excursions during the course.

So those are the things that I think that this school could improve to be better. I would be grateful if you solve some of them.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Nil Comas

dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2008

Piece of news 3.

After his excellent season, Andy Murray wants to improve his fitness and to put on the weight. The British tennis player wishes he could run faster and to have stronger shots than this year. His preparation is going to be similar to the past years but he is going to do an especial food program. He is going to do some exhibitions in Abu Dhabi and then he’s going to play a tournament in Doha before the Australian Open. Murray knows that his fitness has been very important this year and he hopes that he can get a better shape for the next season. The player recognized that if he was a teenager, he would go to Barcelona training because there’s a better atmosphere, but he said that Roehampton is a very good place for guys to train.


Piece of news 2.

In the gulf of Aden, three British guards escaped today Somali pirates in a chemical tanker. The guards, with their identities hidden, have been rescued after that by helicopter. In the tanker there were still Indian and Bangladeshi workers. This is the 97th pirate attack that Somalia has received because there’s no effective politic power in the country. The ship’s master alerted international security forces to come to rescue them. Actually, a lot of countries including the ones in NATO have security forces around the gulf and the coasts to fight against pirates, who are an increasing menace.

Piece of news 1.

Cesc Fabregas is going to be the new Arsenal’s captain. Arsene Wenger has decided that Gallas can’t continue being the captain and Cesc Fabregas is the player who is going to try to help the team to be a good squad. Wenger said that he hasn’t to do any explications about his decisions and he assured that has completely trust in all of his players. He is sure that his team is going to have excellent results and he guess that Fabregas it’s going to help to get this results. His players know what they’ve to do and what hopes the coach of them.

dijous, 27 de novembre del 2008



My oral exposition


Hi I’m Nil and I’m going to do my oral presentation about horse-ball.

I’ve chosen this sport because I play horse-ball and I think that even is an unknown sport, is the sport that I like more and I want to show to the people how it is. I think that is one very exciting sport and I hope that in a couple of years it is going to be more famous.

Horse-ball was created in France during the decade of 70’s. His origins aren’t so clear but people think that is one adaptation of Pato, one very similar sport that is played in Argentina.
In Catalonia, this sport appeared in 1997 when Jordi Serra and Jordi Traveria discovered it in “Salon du Cheval” of Toulouse and in the “Ecumat” of Madrid. In 1999 this two men took part in one European Championship celebrated in Wells with the Spanish team. After that, “les Alforges de Banyoles” and “els Diables de Masies de Roda”, two Catalonian teams did some exhibitions of Horse-ball in Catalonia. The following year, some new teams appeared in Catalonia and started the first Catalonian league of horse-ball.

Horse-ball is a very intense sport and it makes that you must be concentrated all the time.

This sport is a combination of basketball, rugby and polo. They play 4 players and 2 substitutes per team. The coach can do the number of changes that he wants. One horse-ball match has two parts of ten minutes each. In one horse-ball match there are two referees, one on chair and one on horse. The players play with one handled ball. They’re tied for the stirrups to be able to recover the ball from the ground without falling down of the horse. One horse-ball field has 60 meters of long x 30 meters of width. Horse-ball is a very intense sport and it makes that you must be concentrated all the time. The matches are very short and if you are not concentrated you don’t play good.

The players must be agile, strong and with a good individual level. But this sport also can be dangerous if they play people without enough riding level, the can hear themselves. The most important thing in this sport is the horse. The players must be identified and to work very well with his horse because if the player is good he can be the 50% but the horse is the other 50%.

If we talk about the horses maybe the most important qualities of one horse-ball horse are the speed, the acceleration, the managing and the corpulence. There are some kinds of horse that are good to play horse-ball. The pure Arab, the pure English, the American quarter horse and some combinations of these races are excellent races to play horse-ball.

There're several international competitions organized by the International Horse-Ball Federation, the European Championships, the World Championship, and the clubs FIHB Champions League. This year had been celebrated in Ponte de Lima (Portugal) the fifth edition of the European lady championship and under-16 European championship, and the first edition of the World championship. In this edition, Spain got the gold in under-16, silver in the world championship and bronze in ladies. France has always been the main reference in this sport.

diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2008

divendres, 7 de novembre del 2008

My summer

Aloha ^^ Gemma! I will tell you briefly what I've done this summer. After I finished the course I took part in the european championship of Horse-ball which was held in Portugal as a member of the spanish team. We won the championship and everybody was very proud of us. After that I stayed in my house three weeks, during this time i was riding my horse and I enjoyed the sun going to the beach and to the swimming pool. The last week of August I left some days for my vacations. I travelled to San Francisco and Hawaii. There I enjoyed the sunny days in the beach again and I visited the city of Honolulu, Pearl Harbour with the Arizona memorial, the alcatraz prison and many other places. When I came back of my vacations I prepared my return to the high school and I tried to recover from my jet lag. Bye Gemma!

dimarts, 4 de novembre del 2008

Summary of Munich

A group of Palestinian terrorists commit an outrage during the Olympic Games celebrated in Munich in 1972. During the outrage the terrorist organization kills eleven athletes from Israel. The reaction of Golda Meir, the Prime Minister of Israel is to recruit a group of murders who are going to kill all of the Palestinian terrorists. The murders are five ex-agents of the Israeli secret service and le leader is Avner. Their first aim is in Roma and there they start their mission.

Thirteen & Adrian Mole

Tracy's character evolves

At the beginning of the film, Tracy is a good student, a normal girl and she has some friends. Is her first year in the school and she isn't much popular. When she sees that Evie is the most popular girl in the school and that all boys are interested in her, she decides to go to Evie to be popular too. Firstly, they start stealing clothes, but time at a time they steal money, more clothes and sell drugs. Tracy's marks start being worse and her teachers are worried. Tracy starts to take drugs and to become rebel and incontrollable. She cuts herself and goes with Evie who lives in her house. Finally they get angry and Evie leaves from Tracy's house. Then Evie continues being popular but Tracy is one more of the school like at the beginning.

I think that Tracy becomes rebel and incontrollable through the fault of some problems. On the one hand, her father is always working and he almost never goes home. On the other, her mother tries to be a good mother but she isn't, and she doesn't pay attention to her daughter. Another problem is that her mother's boyfriend was a drug addict and he goes to live with them. But the main problem is that she wants to be popular and starts going with Evie, taking drugs and doing a lot of bad things. Evie is the worst problem and when she starts to live with Tracy's family, more problems arrive. I think that Tracy does all of these bad things to liberate her pain and to try to be like Evie, seemingly without problems. The combination of all of these problems makes that Tracy becomes a rebel girl.

If we try to compare the film with Adrian Mole, we see two different lives but with some seems. Adrian's parents are divorced like Tracy's, their lives are difficult and they haven't good very money. But we also can see the differences, Tracy has a difficult character and she is not happy with her body up to the point that starts cutting herself, and Adrian is happy with his body and he doesn't want to change.

dimecres, 8 d’octubre del 2008

Horror history

This happened one dark and cold night of December.
That morning, Jack discussed with his parents and they were angry with him. When Jack finished the last class, he decided to reconcile with his parents and he bough them a chocolate bar. When he arrived home, everybody was in silence. He searched in all rooms and their parents weren't anywhere. He thought that maybe they had gone anywhere and he didn't know. So he decided to watch TV and to have a snack. Jack was watching the TV when suddenly the screen had been black. He felt surprised and he revised the connection but all was fine. He realized that it was so late and his parents didn't appear and he started to feel scared. He tried to phone them but the phone didn't work. Then he was very scared. All was dark and he decided to put on the radio to delay him. But he became even more scared when he heard that one madman escaped of his cell and that he was murdering people and breaking his telephone and television connections. He hurried up to go to garage to have his father's shotgun, but when he opened the light he found his parents hanged and one sign with the phrase: "YOU ARE THE NEXT". When he read that he started running to the door to go to the police but it was closed. After he thought that the madman wasn't there so he was going to hide in the wardrobe and when he came he will kill him. Jack closed the garage's door and he waited for the man. After a few minutes, someone opened the door and entered home. Jack loaded his weapon and prepared to shot, but he heard that the man had gone to the garage. He went silently to the garage and when he opened the door he found the madman eating his father's arm. When Jack saw that he felt annoyed and started shooting but he couldn't appear. The madman took one knife and he killed the boy and hanged him. Then the police arrived and found the family dead and detained the man to
return him to his cell. One neighbor heard the shoots and phoned the police.